Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mari Belajar....lalalala

Al-kisah , last sunday menggatal pergi singgah mahogany music centre... pastuh ter-register plak utk kelas guitar...haha (x dapek nak bayang cemana gaya wehh)
Padal rasanyer initial plan nak men piano.. adey~
Btw, today first class ..harap2 x jadik huru hara lah >_< ...else, malu wess!!~


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wish List

Wishes list to do @ try to do before I'm 35 >_< :
1) Go for Umrah
2)Holiday-ing in Bali
3)Visit Disneylandzz :p - any one will do
4)learn to play 1 music instrument properly
5)Send my parent for Umrah as well - really wish could make it happen
6)Further study - has applied but dunno results yet!~
7)Expand family - ongoing quest so far...
8)Be nicer person
9)Lose weight - typical resolution year round~ ahakz!!
10)Tour De Europe ^_^

and the list TBC later~~~