Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dec 2011 nyer turn... moving on to Dec 2011 yer...
fes week pindah, all my in laws comes for visit + nk attend wedding kat kl ..
lepas tu, nk jadi cerita...somehow i dun feel good.. jeng~jeng~jeng~
tah mcm mana instinct terasa nk test HPT ( sapa yg tatau, sila google k)...
lepas tu..kuar result~~~~~~ +ve~~~~~~~
tergezut mak sekejap~ lepas tu mcm blank plak rasa~ i show to husband & we going to GP ptg tu jugak ...hehehe.

Moral of the story, akhirnya tercapau jugak one of the resolution for 2011 ... #7 - expand the family :P~

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