Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Yea..i loike~
i consider myslef as an avid reader & i hope zuyyin likes reading too...

BTW, this post is due to the BBW sales that starts today~~ YES, today... but sadly x dpt nk pergi preview sales sbb xde cuti T__T

x per, i'll make it up this Saturday...guarantee akan menipiskan purse :(
Trolley bag seme dah ready...even i beli beg baru kat GIANT... hahahaha... giler semangat kan!!~

BBW!~ please wait for me ya... hopefully the books i wanted is there..Aminnn!!~

MIECC here i commmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................

ADIOS... :D :D :D

Thursday, November 22, 2012

all about ZoDiAc~

Hari ni tetiba nk cerita pasal zodiac ...
hmm... after go round2... rupanyer Zuyyin is a LEO...patut la garang semedang :P pastu ibu dia ni SCOPRIO...cantek la..up lg tahap garang tu..hihi

Yang kasihan a.k.a mangsa is ayah sbb dia adalah PISCES yakni ikan yg innocent :P HihU~~

Next episod, akan ku post about details of the zodiac ek...TUNGGUUUUUUUU~~

Monday, October 8, 2012

@ work...

second week at work and i still teringat TV kat umah...*aish~*

eh, bukan2.. ingat anak kat umah :) mood keje xde ni...aiseyman! camno nk buek ni????

oh incik asben.... i need HOLIDAYSsssssssssss ..pleaseeeeee~~~~~

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Yeay..setelah 2 bulan berkampung kat spital...akhirnya yg ditunggu telah tiba~
Assalamualaikum + selamat datang to anak ibu... Zuyyin Adelia <3> <3>

Born on 30th July 2012 weighing 3.12kg via c-section, my darling Zuyyin makes her entrance into this world.

Words can't describe how i feel the first time our eyes met... *yes, her eyes are wide open right after lahir okey* maybe dia wonder y ibu dia nampak selebet agaknyer.... hehehe.
Well losing 2L of blood does make me look more selebet than usual, i guess...

Seminggu after lahir, we officially register her name as Zuyyin Adelia ( ibu yg pilih nama...hihi).
  • Zuyyin means "dijadikan elok/indah"
  • Adelia means "keadilan kita"
Semoga anak ibu membesar jadi anak yg baik dan solehah...aminnn~~~

first pic of her right after lahir

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Preggy Journey .. cont'd

im back~~ hehehe... alhamdulillah by officially 3 months pregnant :D
suka sbb first trimester xde morning sikness..hehehe~
< in between above post & below post... experience bleeding 3 times.. neves tau~ >
skrg dah end of im 5 months preggy tp so far x rasa lg fetal movement :( kenapa ek?? adakah terlalu gomok??? hmm...

2 april ade appt utk mengadap nurse kat KK..hopefully all is well. Wish me luck u'ols~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dec 2011 nyer turn... moving on to Dec 2011 yer...
fes week pindah, all my in laws comes for visit + nk attend wedding kat kl ..
lepas tu, nk jadi cerita...somehow i dun feel good.. jeng~jeng~jeng~
tah mcm mana instinct terasa nk test HPT ( sapa yg tatau, sila google k)...
lepas tu..kuar result~~~~~~ +ve~~~~~~~
tergezut mak sekejap~ lepas tu mcm blank plak rasa~ i show to husband & we going to GP ptg tu jugak ...hehehe.

Moral of the story, akhirnya tercapau jugak one of the resolution for 2011 ... #7 - expand the family :P~

nov 2011 ...backdated yer~

hmm.... nk story backdated nyer citer kejap ek..

alkisah, nov 2011 = besday ke-28 aka selamat hari tua~
nak jadi cerita... ujung nov tu aku pindah umah baru...hehehe.
letih ooo jadi lady gagah nk kene angkat barang :P