Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Yea..i loike~
i consider myslef as an avid reader & i hope zuyyin likes reading too...

BTW, this post is due to the BBW sales that starts today~~ YES, today... but sadly x dpt nk pergi preview sales sbb xde cuti T__T

x per, i'll make it up this Saturday...guarantee akan menipiskan purse :(
Trolley bag seme dah ready...even i beli beg baru kat GIANT... hahahaha... giler semangat kan!!~

BBW!~ please wait for me ya... hopefully the books i wanted is there..Aminnn!!~

MIECC here i commmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................

ADIOS... :D :D :D

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