Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Happy Moment .. 30.01.2013 :)

Semalam 30.01.2013.... hari yg istimewa bagi ibu sbb apa taw??
Sebab princess ibu  :: ZuYYin AdeLia :: dah genap 6 bulan .. yeay~ :)

Alhamdulillah...pejam celik pejam celik, dah 6 bulan dah jadi bertugas sebagai seorang ibu kepada anak perempuan yg comel & diva kadang2 ..ahahhaha

tetiba dtg feeling utk wat statement dari hati....

Dear Daughter,
I've been waiting for you for almost half a decade..
You're arrival is the one of the special memory that i will alwiz treasure dearly deep in my heart..
I love you will all my heart (spare some for ayah ok anakku~)..
I pray & i wish for you to grow up healthy, bright, smart, cute, pretty , etc3 and most importantly that u're going to be a good muslimah ..InsyaAllah~
Happy  6-months old my dear Zuyyin~
I'm looking forwards for our future adventures & happy days :D

With Lots of Luv,

1 comment:

  1. salam kak sorry lambat reply komen akak dekat blog nadia. tentang event anak yatim tu, akak nak tau details macam mana ye? nadia ada buat entry sebelum2 ni tentang keperluan dorang.
